it's about me

Foto saya
i was an ordinary woman who tried to be a remarkable woman

Senin, 20 Desember 2010


SUMBER : Dosen Manajemen Keuangan 1 2EB03

a) Total Debt to Total Assets or Debt Ratio

  • Debt Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets
b) Total Debt to Equity Ratio

  • Total Debt to Equity Ratio = Total Debt / Equity
c) Time Interest Earned Ratio (TIER)
  • TIER = EBIT (Earning Before Interest Tax) / I (Interest)
d) Fixed Charge Coverage (FCC)
  • FCC = EBT + I + LP / I + LP
  • EBT (Earning Before Tax)
  • I (Interest)
  • LP (Lease Payment)


SUMBER : Dosen Manajemen Keuangan 2EB03

a) Current Ratio

  • Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

b) Cash Ratio

  • Cash Ratio = Cash + Marketable Securities / Current Liabilities

c) Acid Test Ratio

  • Acid Test Ratio = Current Assets - Inventory / Current Liabilities

A Garden in The Campus of Gunadarma (Campus H)

Date september 10th 2010, after practicum in the laboratory Campus of Gunadarma (Campus H), i photographing a garden in the Campus of Gunadarma.

See photo which photographed by Alfiyani!

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

The Corporate Chain of Command and Decision Making

SUMBER : Sukardi, Paulus & Evi Thelia Sari. 2007. Bisnis Internasional : Sebuah Perspektif Kewirausahaan. Penerbit Graha Ilmu : Yogyakarta.

  1. President
  2. Executive vice-president
  3. Senior vice-president (other condition), Vice-president (line), Senior vice-president (other functions)
  4. Vice-president (general manager)
  5. Assistant General Manager (in charge of a specific function or product or service)
  6. Manager
  7. Assistant General Manager (in charge of a specific area or service)
  8. Supervisor
  9. Grassroots employee

Four Key Characteristics Seem to be Essential to Effective Guiding Coalitions


An action plan from the world's foremost expert on business leadership
John P. Kotter
Harvard Business School Press

Copyright©1996 by John P. Kotter

Four Key Characteristics Seem to be Essential to Effective Guiding Coalitions, They are :
  1. Position power : Are enough key players on board, especially the main line managers, so that those left out cannot easily block progress?
  2. Expertise : Are the various points of view - in terms of discipline, work experience, nationality, etc. - relevant to the task at hand adequately represented so that informed, intelligent decisions will be made?
  3. Credibility : Does the group have enough people with good reputations in the firm so that its pronouncements will be taken seriously by other employess?
  4. Leadership : Does the group include enough proven leaders to be able to drive the change process?

The Marketing Implications of Corporate Strategy Decisions


Seventh Edition
Marketing Management
A Strategic Decision - Making Approach
John W. Mullins - Orville C. Walker, JR.

To formulate a useful corporate strategy, management must address six interrelated decisions :

  1. The overall scope and mission of the organiation
  2. Company goals and objectives
  3. a source of competitive advantage
  4. a development strategy for future growth
  5. The allocation of corporate resources across the firm's various businesses, and
  6. The search for synergy via the sharing of corporate resources, intangibles, or programs across businesses or product lines.

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Different concepts of career

Source :

The traditional concept of career has been concerned with progression up an ordered hierarchy within an organisation or profession.

Career refers to an individual’s work and life roles over their lifespan. This version of a career makes it clear that people can progress through their career horizontally as well as vertically.


Source :

Career is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as an individual's "course or progress through life (or a distinct portion of life)". It is usually considered to pertain to remunerative work (and sometimes also formal education).

The etymology of the term comes from the Latin word carrera, which means race (as in "rat race", see Careerism).


Sumber : Sherly. 2010. 25 Usaha Terlaris Modal 1-3 Juta. Jogja Great! Publisher : Yogyakarta.

Cara merintis usaha :
  • Merancang sistemnya
  • Mengatur siapa saja orang-orang yang akan membantu
  • Bagaimana usaha itu berjalan
  • Bagaimana memasarkan
  • dan lain-lain

Yang harus diperhatikan jikalau ingin membuka usaha sendiri :

a) bidang usaha macam apa yang ingin dijalankan?

bidang usaha ada 2 macam :

1. Bidang usaha yang jarang dilirik atau belum pernah ada pemainnya
  • usaha yang diciptakan oleh diri sendiri dan belum diciptakan oleh orang lain.
2. Bidang usaha yang sudah banyak dilakukan
  • meniru usaha lain
  • jika usaha tersebut sudah banyak yang melakukan, maka jika ingin melihat peluang berhasil harus memiliki ciri khas

b) Lokasi
  • Dimana tempatnya? dirumah sendiri atau menyewa tempat?

c) Pelanggan
  • Bagaimana cara mendapatkan pembeli barang dagangan?
  • Bila usaha jasa, bagaimana mendapatkan klien?
Cara Promosinya :
  • dari mulut ke mulut
  • dengan brosur
  • menyebarkan brosur door to door
Promosi bisa sebagai sebuah perkembangan usaha. cara promosi yang lain :
  • iklan dengan papan nama di tempat usahanya
  • iklan kecil di koran
  • iklan di internet

d) Tenaga Kerja

  • Berapa jumlah tenaga kerja? jika usahanya berkembang maka meningkat tenaga kerjanya
  • Efektifkan tenaga kerja
  • Usaha Kecil : Berdayakan saudara, cari partner kerja yang siap bekerja keras dengan fee/honor kecil

e) Perencanaan Keuangan

  • Memperhitungkan modal awal agar usahanya sampai ke titik aman
  • Mencukupi untuk biaya pengeluaran sampai 12 bulan / 1 tahun kedepan
  • Perkiraan arus kas (cash flow) selama 12 bulan / 1 tahun kedepan
Perkiraan arus kas adalah perhitungan yang menggambarkan berapa perkiraan arus keluar-masuk uang tunai dalam usaha tersebut. Dengan demikian, dalam setahun kedepan usaha yang dijalankan diharapkan tidak akan bangkrut hanya gara-gara kehabisan uang tunai.

f) Gaya Pengusaha - Gaya Berdagang

Ada pepatah yang mengatakan bahwa "orang baik, bahagia hidupnya". Tetapi "terlalu baik hati" didalam dunia bisnis bisa menciptakan hambatan